José Olympio Soares Corrêa Meyer
Professional Practice
- Delegate of the Commission of Defense, Assistance and Prerogatives of the Rio de Janeiro Section of the Brazilian Bar Association (2013-2015);
- Member of the Review Council of the Revista de Direito da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (University of the State of Rio de Janeiro Law Magazine) (2012-2013);zine) (2012-2013);
Publications, Academic Papers and Press Reports
- “Um Plano para a Saúde Pública” (A Plan for Public Health) (Folha de São Paulo, caderno Tendências/Debates, July 26, 2016);
- “A cidade como manifestação do espaço de desenvolvimento urbano: As cidades de Itaboraí e Maricá no contexto legal do desenvolvimento da indústria do petróleo no Leste fluminense”. (The city as a manifestation of space for urban development: The cities of Itaboraí and Maricá in the legal context of the development of oil in the East of the State of Rio de Janeiro.) (ISSN Revista dos Tribunais-Rio de Janeiro RTRJ, year 1. 3. January/February 2014);
- “TJ/SP mantém falência da CBAA” (Tribunal of Justice of São Paulo maintains the CBAA bankruptcy) (Jornal Valor Econômico, October 23, 2013);
- “Nova Lei dos Juizados Especiais tem Função Social” (New Law of the Special Courts has a social function) (Consultor Jurídico – november/2010);
- “A penhora administrativa e suas consequências no processo de execução fiscal” (The administrative levy of execution and its consequences in a tax foreclosure) (Jornal do Commercio – May/2009);
Professional Experience
08/2006 – 12/2008 – Siqueira Castro Advogados – trainee in the Strategic Litigation Sector;
01/2009 – 02/2013 – Siqueira Castro Advogados – junior attorney in the Strategic Litigation Sector;
03/2013 – 12/2015 – Rosman, Penalva, Souza Leão, Franco Advogados – attorney in the Litigation Sector (Civil, Judicial Recovery and Insurance).
As of December, 2015 with Rosman, Penalva, Souza Leão, Franco, Vale Advogados, responsible for the Litigation and Civil Law practice in the São Paulo office, in the civil and commercial areas, including insurance (Health Plans), monitoring claims related to the performance or rescission of contracts, civil liability, execution of guarantees, collection and proof of claim in bankruptcy and restructuring of companies, bankruptcy and judicial and extra judicial recovery, possessory claims, expropriations, leases, writ of mandamus, administrative appeals in bidding processes and injunctive relief, consumer law.
Drafting and review of agreements for the elimination or mitigation of risks relative to consumer laws matters, legal reports and legal opinions.
Handling of judicial claims involving trademarks, patents, copyright, unfair competition, advertising and publicity.
Drafting and review of contractual clauses for the elimination or mitigation of risks in the area of the Consumer Law, including legal opinions.
Assistance to companies and individuals in the review, drafting and negotiation of national and international agreements, including:
- Agreements for the purchase and sale of real estate and other goods;
- Security Agreements (mortgages, levies of execution etc.) and fiduciary (sureties and other);
- Information technology agreements (software and hardware);
- Supply Agreements, “turnkey” and others.
- Distribution, Agency and Commercial Representation Agreements;
- Service Agreements;
- AgrarianAgreements (lease, partnerships, etc.);
- Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreements;
- Partnership, Cooperation and Commitment agreements;
- Regulatory Consulting Agreements;
- Loan for Use and Loan Agreements.
Academic Background
- Bachelor of Law with the “Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro”, Brazil (State of Rio de Janeiro Federal University) (2008);
- Bachelor in Social Communication, major in Journalism, with “Faculdades Integradas Hélio Alonso” (Hélio Alonso Integrated Schools), Brazil (2002);
- Masters’ Degree in Transformations in Private Law, City and Society (City Law) with the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (State of Rio de Janeiro University) (2011 -2013);
- Specialization in Tax Procedural Law with the Universidade Cândido Mendes (Cândido Mendes University) (2009);
Areas of Expertise
- Tax Consulting and Litigation (RJ)
- Corporate and Civil Litigation and Consulting (RJ)
- Civil and Commercial Contracts (SP)
- Civil and Commercial Contracts (RJ)
- Administrative Law (RJ)
- Civil Law and Civil Litigation (SP)
- Consumer Law (SP)
- Real Estate Law (SP)
- Real Estate Law (RJ)
- Intellectual Property (SP)
- Company Recovery and Bankruptcy (RJ)
- Insurance and Reinsurance (RJ)