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Partners Coaraci Nogueira do Vale and Luciano Souza Leão Júnior attended the 13th consecutive annual meeting of the ITG

Published in 20 . June . 2017

On June 1st and 2nd, in Brussels, Belgium, partners Coaraci Nogueira do Vale and Luciano de Souza Leão Jr. attended the 13th consecutive annual meeting of the ITG – International Tax Lawyers Group, with colleagues from Canada, USA, Mexico, Ireland, UK, Holland, Luxemburg,  Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, Portugal, Switzerland, Sweden on BEPS/MLI (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting and Multilateral Instruments) topics as well as country updates.



Our attorneys have experience accumulated over many decades in the various areas of the law in which they practice and operate and in the business sectors in which our clients are involved. They also are committed to the continuous improvement of their skills, which distinguishes them in the community in which they operate, enabling each professional to render services of the highest possible standards to their clients promptly, sensitive to the clients’ needs.

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