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Partner Coaraci Nogueira do Vale visits clients and business associates in the USA

Published in 18 . July . 2018

Partner Coaraci Nogueira do Vale just returned from the USA after visiting clients and business associates, starting in Novi, Michigan, at the Stoneridge, Inc. headquarters where he had meetings with Jon DeGaynor, CEO, Thomas Dono, Chief Legal Officer, Alisa Alaudini Nagle, Chief Human Resources Officer, Susan C. Benedict, Director Legal, Joe Porenta, Director of Global Tax, Renée Rourke, Director, Compliance Department and Kris Ann Ellis, Senior Corporate Paralegal & Legal Operations Manager. No photos were taken.

He next visited the BakerHostetler Office in Atlanta, Georgia where he met Joann Jones, Managing Partner and the partners Christopher M. Arena, David K. Brown and Jason D’Cruz.

The next visit was in Dallas, Texas, at StackPath where he met Carista Hill, General Counsel & CLO, Gary Klein and Jason Riddle, Attorneys, Matt Hassan, Director of Finance, Brian Gentho, Tax, Steven Canale, Chief Revenue Officer.

Moving to Houston, he met Paul Francis, Senior Attorney with BakerHostetler.

He also visited INHANCE in Houston, where he met Michael Koma, COO and Matt Kreider, CFO.

Finally, in Torrance, California, at Younger Optics, where he met Dr. Jotinderpal Sidhu, Vice President and Jane Koswara, CFO.

The Firm

The Firm

ROSMAN, SOUZA LEÃO, FRANCO E ADVOGADOS is a traditional law firm founded in 1964 by José Luiz Bulhões Pedreira (1925-2006) and Antonio Fernando de Bulhões Carvalho (1925-2009) under the name of “Bulhões Pedreira, Bulhões Carvalho e Advogados Associados”. Since its founding, it has practiced actively in multiple areas of the law, with a particular focus on corporate and tax law, as well as providing legal advice to national and international companies, other law firms and government agencies, predominantly in the area of Corporate and Income Tax law. Other significant areas of practice are commercial, administrative, financial and banking law.

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